Pike v8.1 release 6

Method Protocols.LDAP.client()->read_attr()

Method read_attr

string|array(string) read_attr(string object_name, string attr, void|string filter, void|mapping(string:array(int|string)) controls)


Reads a specified attribute of a specified object in the LDAP server. object_name is the distinguished name of the object and attr is the attribute. The rest of the arguments are the same as to search.

The default filter that might have been set in the LDAP URL doesn't affect this call. If filter isn't set then "(objectClass=*)" is used.


For single-valued attributes, the value is returned as a string. For multivalued attributes, the value is returned as an array of strings. Returns zero if there was an error.

See also

read, get_root_dse_attr