Pike v8.1 release 6

Method Protocols.LDAP.client()->bind()

Method bind

int bind()
int bind(string dn, string password)
int bind(string dn, string password, int version)


Authenticates connection to the direcory.

First form uses default value previously entered in create.

Second form uses value from parameters:

Parameter dn

The distinguished name (DN) of an entry aginst which will be made authentication.

Parameter password

Password used for authentication.

Third form allows specify the version of LDAP protocol used by connection to the LDAP server.

Parameter version

The desired protocol version (current 2 or 3). Defaults to 3 if zero or left out.


Returns 1 on success, 0 otherwise.


Only simple authentication type is implemented. So be warned clear text passwords are sent to the directory server.


The API change: the returning code was changed in Pike 7.3+ to follow his logic better.