Pike v8.1 release 6

Method Protocols.LDAP.client()->modifydn()

Method modifydn

int modifydn(string dn, string newrdn, int deleteoldrdn, string|void newsuperior)


The Modify DN Operation allows a client to change the leftmost (least significant) component of the name of an entry in the directory, or to move a subtree of entries to a new location in the directory.

Parameter dn

DN of source object

Parameter newrdn

RDN of destination

Parameter deleteoldrdn

The parameter controls whether the old RDN attribute values are to be retained as attributes of the entry, or deleted from the entry.

Parameter newsuperior

If present, this is the Distinguished Name of the entry which becomes the immediate superior of the existing entry.


Returns 1 on success, 0 otherwise.


The API change: the returning code was changed in Pike 7.3+ to follow his logic better.