Pike v8.1 release 6

Method Protocols.LDAP.client()->modify()

Method modify

int modify(string dn, mapping(string:array(int(0..2)|string)) attropval)


The Modify Operation allows a client to request that a modification of an entry be performed on its behalf by a server.

Parameter dn

The distinguished name of modified entry.

Parameter attropval

The mapping of attributes with requested operation and attribute's values.

attropval=([ attribute: ({operation, value1, value2, ...}) ])

Where operation is one of the following:


Add values listed to the given attribute, creating the attribute if necessary.


Delete values listed from the given attribute, removing the entire attribute if no values are listed, or if all current values of the attribute are listed for deletion.


Replace all existing values of the given attribute with the new values listed, creating the attribute if it did not already exist. A replace with no value will delete the entire attribute if it exists, and is ignored if the attribute does not exist.

Values that are sent UTF-8 encoded according the the attribute syntaxes are encoded automatically.


Returns 1 on success, 0 otherwise.


The API change: the returning code was changed in Pike 7.3+ to follow his logic better.