Pike v8.1 release 6

Class Standards.URI

Inheritance graph

This class implements URI parsing and resolving of relative references to absolute form, as defined in RFC 2396 and RFC 3986.

Variable authority

string Standards.URI.authority


Authority component of URI (formerly called net_loc, from RFC 2396 known as authority)

Variable base_uri

this_program Standards.URI.base_uri


The base URI object, if present

Variable fragment

string Standards.URI.fragment


The fragment part of URI. May be 0 if not present.

Variable host
Variable user
Variable password

string Standards.URI.host
string Standards.URI.user
string Standards.URI.password


Certain classes of URI (e.g. URL) may have these defined

Variable path

string Standards.URI.path


Path component of URI. May be empty, but not undefined.

Variable port

int Standards.URI.port


If no port number is present in URI, but the scheme used has a default port number, this number is put here.

Variable query

string Standards.URI.query


Query component of URI. May be 0 if not present.

Variable scheme

string Standards.URI.scheme


Scheme component of URI

Method create

Standards.URI Standards.URI(URI uri)
Standards.URI Standards.URI(URI uri, URI base_uri)
Standards.URI Standards.URI(URI uri, string base_uri)
Standards.URI Standards.URI(string uri)
Standards.URI Standards.URI(string uri, URI base_uri)
Standards.URI Standards.URI(string uri, string base_uri)

Parameter base_uri

When supplied, will root the URI a the given location. This is needed to correctly verify relative URIs, but may be left out otherwise. If left out, and uri is a relative URI, an error is thrown.

Parameter uri

When uri is another URI object, the created URI will inherit all properties of the supplied uri except, of course, for its base_uri.


An exception is thrown if the uri is a relative URI or only a fragment, and missing a base_uri.