Pike v8.1 release 6

Method Standards.URI()->create()

Method create

Standards.URI Standards.URI(URI uri)
Standards.URI Standards.URI(URI uri, URI base_uri)
Standards.URI Standards.URI(URI uri, string base_uri)
Standards.URI Standards.URI(string uri)
Standards.URI Standards.URI(string uri, URI base_uri)
Standards.URI Standards.URI(string uri, string base_uri)

Parameter base_uri

When supplied, will root the URI a the given location. This is needed to correctly verify relative URIs, but may be left out otherwise. If left out, and uri is a relative URI, an error is thrown.

Parameter uri

When uri is another URI object, the created URI will inherit all properties of the supplied uri except, of course, for its base_uri.


An exception is thrown if the uri is a relative URI or only a fragment, and missing a base_uri.