Pike v8.1 release 6

Method Image.Colortable()->randomgrey()

Method randomgrey

object randomcube()
object randomcube(int r, int g, int b)
object randomgrey()
object randomgrey(int err)


Set random cube dithering. Color choosen is the closest one to color in picture plus (flat) random error; colorĀ±random(error).

The randomgrey method uses the same random error on red, green and blue and the randomcube method has three random errors.

original mapped to
randomcube() randomgrey()

Parameter r
Parameter g
Parameter b
Parameter err

The maximum error. Default is 32, or colorcube step.


the object being called


randomgrey method needs colorcube size to be the same on red, green and blue sides to work properly. It uses the red colorcube value as default.

See also

ordered, nodither, floyd_steinberg, create