Pike v8.1 release 6

Method Image.Colortable()->floyd_steinberg()

Method floyd_steinberg

object floyd_steinberg()
object floyd_steinberg(int bidir, int|float forward, int|float downforward, int|float down, int|float downback, int|float factor)


Set dithering method to floyd_steinberg.

The arguments to this method is for fine-tuning of the algorithm (for computer graphics wizards).

original floyd_steinberg to a 4×4×4 colorcube floyd_steinberg to 16 chosen colors

Parameter bidir

Set algorithm direction of forward. -1 is backward, 1 is forward, 0 for toggle of direction each line (default).

Parameter forward
Parameter downforward
Parameter down
Parameter downback

Set error correction directions. Default is forward=7, downforward=1, down=5, downback=3.

Parameter factor

Error keeping factor. Error will increase if more than 1.0 and decrease if less than 1.0. A value of 0.0 will cancel any dither effects. Default is 0.95.


the object being called