Pike v8.1 release 6

Method replace()

Method replace

string replace(string s, string from, string to)
string replace(string s, array(string) from, array(string) to)
string replace(string s, array(string) from, string to)
string replace(string s, mapping(string:string) replacements)
array replace(array a, mixed from, mixed to)
mapping replace(mapping a, mixed from, mixed to)


Generic replace function.

This function can do several kinds replacement operations, the different syntaxes do different things as follows:

If all the arguments are strings, a copy of s with every occurrence of from replaced with to will be returned. Special case: to will be inserted between every character in s if from is the empty string.

If the first argument is a string, and the others array(string), a string with every occurrance of from[i] in s replaced with to[i] will be returned. Instead of the arrays from and to a mapping equvivalent to mkmapping(fromto) can be used.

If the first argument is an array or mapping, the values of a which are `==() with from will be replaced with to destructively. a will then be returned.


Note that replace() on arrays and mappings is a destructive operation.