Pike v8.1 release 6

Method MasterObject()->describe_backtrace()

Method describe_backtrace

string describe_backtrace(mixed trace, void|int linewidth)


Return a readable message that describes where the backtrace trace was made (by backtrace).

It may also be an error object or array (typically caught by a catch), in which case the error message also is included in the description.

Pass linewidth -1 to disable wrapping of the output.

See also

backtrace(), describe_error(), catch(), throw()

Method describe_backtrace

string describe_backtrace(mixed exception)


Called by various routines to format a readable description of an exception.

Parameter exception

Something that was thrown. Usually an Error.Generic object, or an array with the following content:

string msg

Error message.

array(backtrace_frame|array(mixed)) backtrace

Backtrace to the point where the exception occurred.


Returns a string describing the exeception.


Usually added by the initialization code the global name space with add_constant().

See also
