Pike v8.1 release 6

Class MasterObject

Inheritance graph

Master control program for Pike.

See also

master(), replace_master()

Variable Decoder

program MasterObject.Decoder


This program in the master is cloned and used as codec by decode_value if it wasn't given any codec. An instance is only created on-demand the first time decode_value encounters something for which it needs a codec, i.e. the result of a call to Pike.Encoder.nameof.

See also

Decoder, Pike.Decoder

Variable Encoder

program MasterObject.Encoder


This program in the master is cloned and used as codec by encode_value if it wasn't given any codec. An instance is only created on-demand the first time encode_value encounters something for which it needs a codec, i.e. an object, program, or function.

See also

Encoder, Pike.Encoder

Variable _pike_file_name
Variable _master_file_name

string MasterObject._pike_file_name
string MasterObject._master_file_name


These are useful if you want to start other Pike processes with the same options as this one was started with.

Constant bt_max_string_len

constant int MasterObject.bt_max_string_len


This constant contains the maximum length of a function entry in a backtrace. Defaults to 200 if no BT_MAX_STRING_LEN define has been given.

Variable cflags

string MasterObject.cflags


Flags suitable for use when compiling Pike C modules

Variable compat_major

int MasterObject.compat_major

Variable compat_minor

int MasterObject.compat_minor

Variable currentversion

Version MasterObject.currentversion


Version information about the current Pike version.

Variable doc_prefix

string MasterObject.doc_prefix


Prefix for autodoc files.

Variable programs
Variable documentation
Variable source_cache

mapping(string:program|NoValue) MasterObject.programs
mapping(program:object) MasterObject.documentation
mapping(program:string) MasterObject.source_cache


Mapping containing the cache of currently compiled files.

This mapping currently has the following structure:

filename : program

The filename path separator is / on both NT and UNIX.


Special cases: The current master program is available under the name "/master", and the program containing the main function under "/main".

Variable include_prefix

string MasterObject.include_prefix


Prefix for Pike-related C header files.

Inherit Codec

inherit Codec : Codec

Inherit CompatResolver

inherit CompatResolver : CompatResolver

Inherit CompilationHandler

inherit CompilationHandler : CompilationHandler


The master object acts as fallback compilation handler for compile() and cpp().

Inherit Pike_8_0_master

protected inherit Pike_8_0_master : Pike_8_0_master


Namespaces for compat masters.

This inherit is used to provide compatibility namespaces for get_compat_master().

See also


Variable ldflags

string MasterObject.ldflags


Flags suitable for use when linking Pike C modules

Constant out_of_date_warning

constant int MasterObject.out_of_date_warning


Should Pike complain about out of date compiled files. 1 means yes and 0 means no. Controlled by the OUT_OF_DATE_WARNING define.

Variable show_if_constant_errors

int MasterObject.show_if_constant_errors

Variable want_warnings

int MasterObject.want_warnings


If not zero compilation warnings will be written out on stderr.