Pike v8.1 release 6

Method Image.X.encode_truecolor()

Method encode_truecolor

string encode_truecolor(object image, int bpp, int alignbits, int swapbytes, int rbits, int rshift, int gbits, int gshift, int bbits, int bshift)
string encode_truecolor_masks(object image, int bpp, int alignbits, int swapbytes, int rmask, int gmask, int bmask)
string encode_truecolor(object image, int bpp, int alignbits, int swapbytes, int rbits, int rshift, int gbits, int gshift, int bbits, int bshift, object ct)
string encode_truecolor_masks(object image, int bpp, int alignbits, int swapbytes, int rmask, int gmask, int bmask, object ct)


Pack an image into a truecolor string. You will get a string of packed red, green and blue bits; ie:

encode_truecolor(img, 12,32, 0, 3,5, 4,0, 3,8) will give (aligned to even 32 bits for each row):
0bbbrrr0 gggg0bbb rrr0gggg 0bbb...
<--pixel 1--><--pixel 2--> <--3-->
10987654 32101098 76543210 1098... <- bit position <-><-> <--> | | +--- 4,0: 4 bits green shifted 0 bits | +-------- 3,5: 3 bits red shifted 5 bits +----------- 3,8: 3 bits blue shifted 8 bits

The above call is equal to
encode_truecolor_masks(img, 12,32, 0, 224, 15, 768) and
encode_truecolor(img, 12,32, 0, 3,5,4,0,3,8, colortable(1<<3,1<<4,1<<3)).
The latter gives possibility to use dither algorithms, but is slightly slower.

Parameter image

the image object to encode

Parameter bpp

bits per pixel, how many bits each pixel should take

Parameter alignbits

the number of even bits each line should be padded to

Parameter rbits
Parameter gbits
Parameter bbits

bits for each basecolor

Parameter rshift
Parameter gshift
Parameter bshift

leftshifts for each basecolor

Parameter rmask
Parameter gmask
Parameter bmask

masks for each basecolor (xbits and gbits are calculated from this), needs to be massive (no zeroes among the ones in the mask).

Parameter ct

colortable object (for dithering, or whatever)

Parameter swapbytes

swap bytes for bpp==16,24,32, swaps bits in the bytes if bpp==1, for change of byte/bitorder between client and server.