Pike v8.1 release 6

Method Image.X.encode_pseudocolor()

Method encode_pseudocolor

string encode_pseudocolor(object image, int bpp, int alignbits, int vbpp, object colortable)
string encode_pseudocolor(object image, int bpp, int alignbits, int vbpp, object colortable, string translate)

Parameter image

the image object to encode

Parameter bpp

bits per pixel, how many bits each pixel should take

Parameter vbpp

value bits per pixel; how many bits per pixel that really contains information

Parameter alignbits

the number of even bits each line should be padded to

Parameter colortable

colortable to get indices for pseudocolor

Parameter translate

translate table for colors. Length of this string should be 1<<vbpp (or 2<<vbpp if vbpp are greater than 8).


currently, only upto 16 bits pseudocolor are supported.