Pike v8.1 release 6

Class Yabu.DB

Inheritance graph
Yabu.DB Yabu.LookupDB

A Yabu database instance

Method create

Yabu.DB Yabu.DB(string dir, string mode)


Open a new or existing databse.

The dir is the directory the database should be stored in. It will be created if it does not exist.

Only one database can be in any given directory.

The mode specifies the operation mode, and is a string made up of the desired modes, 'r'=read, 'w'=write and 'c'=create.

To open an existing database in read only mode, use "r".

To open an existing database in read/write mode, use "rw".

To create a new database, or open an existing one in read write mode, use "rwc".