Pike v8.1 release 6

Method System.Inotify.Instance()->add_watch()

Method add_watch

int add_watch(string filename, int mask, function(int, int, string, mixed ... :void) callback, mixed ... extra)


Add a watch for a certain file and a set of events specified by mask. The function callback will be called when such an event occurs. The arguments to the callback will be the events mask, the cookie, the filename and extra.


Returns a watch descriptor which can be used to remove the watch.


When adding a second watch for the same file the old one will be removed unless System.Inotify.IN_MASK_ADD is contained in mask.


The mask of an event may be a subset of the mask given when adding the watch.


In case the watch is added for a regular file, the filename will be passed to the callback. In case the watch is added for a directory, the name of the file to which the event happened inside the directory will be concatenated.