Pike v8.1 release 6

Class String.SplitIterator

Inheritance graph
Iterator String.SplitIterator

An iterator that iterates over substrings of a string, separated by a character or several different characters.


Typically you don't need to explicitly use the SplitIterator. Expressions like the following are automatically optimized into using a SplitIterator.

foreach(str/"\n", string line)
      write("%s\n", line);

Inherit predef::Iterator

inherit Iterator : predef::Iterator

Method create

String.SplitIterator String.SplitIterator(string buffer, int|array(int)|multiset(int) split_set, int|void flags, function(:string)|void feed)

Parameter buffer

The string to split.

Parameter split_set

The character or characters to split on.

Parameter flags

Skip empty elements if set.

Parameter feed

Callback function that is called once the buffer is used up and the SplitIterator wants more data.