Pike v8.1 release 6

Method SSL.Context()->configure_suite_b()

Method configure_suite_b

void configure_suite_b(int(128..)|void min_keylength, int(0..)|void strictness_level)


Configure the context for Suite B compliant operation.

This restricts the context to the cipher suites specified by RFC 6460 in strict mode.

Additional suites may be enabled, but they will only be selected if a Suite B suite isn't available.

Parameter min_keylength

Minimum supported key length in bits. Either 128 or 192.

Parameter strictness_level

Allow additional suites.


Strict mode.

Allow only the Suite B suites from RFC 6460 and TLS 1.2.


Transitional mode.

Also allow the transitional suites from RFC 5430 for use with TLS 1.0 and 1.1.


Permissive mode (default).

Also allow other suites that conform to the minimum key length.


This function is only present when Suite B compliant operation is possible (ie both elliptic curves and GCM are available).


Note also that for Suite B server operation compliant certificates need to be added with add_cert().

See also
