Pike v8.1 release 6

Module Regexp.PCRE

Inheritance graph
"____Regexp_PCRE" Regexp.PCRE

Constant buildconfig_LINK_SIZE

constant Regexp.PCRE.buildconfig_LINK_SIZE


(from the pcreapi man-page) "The output is an integer that contains the number of bytes used for internal linkage in compiled regular expressions. The value is 2, 3, or 4. Larger values allow larger regular expressions to be compiled, at the expense of slower match- ing. The default value of 2 is sufficient for all but the most massive patterns, since it allows the compiled pattern to be up to 64K in size." This constant is calculated when the module is initiated by using pcre_config(3).

Constant buildconfig_MATCH_LIMIT

constant Regexp.PCRE.buildconfig_MATCH_LIMIT


(from the pcreapi man-page) "The output is an integer that gives the default limit for the number of internal matching function calls in a pcre_exec() execution. Further details are given with pcre_exec() below." This constant is calculated when the module is initiated by using pcre_config(3).

Constant buildconfig_NEWLINE

constant Regexp.PCRE.buildconfig_NEWLINE


(from the pcreapi man-page) "The output is an integer that is set to the value of the code that is used for the newline character. It is either linefeed (10) or carriage return (13), and should normally be the standard character for your operating system." This constant is calculated when the module is initiated by using pcre_config(3).

Constant buildconfig_POSIX_MALLOC_THRESHOLD

constant Regexp.PCRE.buildconfig_POSIX_MALLOC_THRESHOLD


(from the pcreapi man-page) "The output is an integer that contains the threshold above which the POSIX interface uses malloc() for output vectors. Further details are given in the pcreposix documentation." This constant is calculated when the module is initiated by using pcre_config(3).

Constant buildconfig_UTF8

constant Regexp.PCRE.buildconfig_UTF8


(from the pcreapi man-page) "The output is an integer that is set to one if UTF-8 support is available; otherwise it is set to zero." This constant is calculated when the module is initiated by using pcre_config(3).

Inherit "____Regexp_PCRE"

inherit "____Regexp_PCRE" : "____Regexp_PCRE"