Pike v8.1 release 6

Method Protocols.X.Extensions.XTEST()->XTestFakeInput()

Method XTestFakeInput

void XTestFakeInput(string event_type, int detail, int delay, object|void window, int|void xloc, int|void yloc)


Send a synthetic event to an X server.

Parameter event_type

Type of event to send. Possible values: KeyPress: 2, KeyRelease: 3, ButtonPress: 4, ButtonRelease: 5, MotionNotify: 6

Parameter detail

Button (for Button events) or Keycode (for Key events) to send

Parameter delay

Delay before the X server simulates event. 0 indicates zero delay.

Parameter window

Window object that a motion event occurrs in. If no window is provided, the root window will be used.

Parameter xloc

For motion events, this is the relative X distance or absolute X coordinates.

Parameter yloc

For motion events, this is the relative Y distance or absolute Y coordinates.