Pike v8.1 release 6

Method Protocols.SMTP.AsyncClient()->verify()

Method verify

void verify(string addr, function(:void) cb, mixed ... args)


Verifies the mail address addr against the mail server.

The callback will be called with

  • cb(({ code, message }), @args);

where code and message are

int code

The numerical return code from the VRFY call.

string message

The textual answer to the VRFY call.


  • cb(({ 1, errno(), error_string, int(0..1) direct }), @args);

  • cb(({ 0, smtp-errorcode, error_string, int(0..1) direct }), @args);

with direct being 1 if this verify operation caused the error when the message can't be verified or when an error occurs.


Some mail servers does not answer truthfully to verification queries in order to prevent spammers and others to gain information about the mail addresses present on the mail server.