Pike v8.1 release 6

Method Protocols.IRC.Client()->create()

Method create

Protocols.IRC.Client Protocols.IRC.Client(string|object server, void|mapping(string:mixed) options)

Parameter server

The IRC server to connect to. If server is an object, it is assumed to be a newly established connection to the IRC server to be used. Pass SSL.File connections here to connect to SSL secured IRC networks.

Parameter options

An optional mapping with additional IRC client options.

"port" : int

Defaults to 6667.

"user" : string

Defaults to "unknown" on systems without getpwuid and getuid and to getpwuid(getuid())[0] on systems with.

"nick" : string

Defaults to "Unknown" on systems without getpwuid and getuid and to String.capitalize(getpwuid(getuid())[0]) on systems with.

"pass" : string

Server password, if any. Public servers seldom require this.

"realname" : string

Defaults to "Mr. Anonymous" on systems without getpwuid and getuid and to getpwuid(getuid())[4] on systems with.

"host" : string

Defaults to "localhost" on systems without uname and to uname()->nodename on systems with.

"ping_interval" : int

Defaults to 120.

"ping_timeout" : int

Defaults to 120.

"connection_lost" : function(void:void)

This function is called when the connection to the IRC server is lost or when a ping isn't answered with a pong within the time set by the ping_timeout option. The default behaviour is to complain on stderr and self destruct.

"channel_program" : program

An instance of this is created for each channel connected to via join_channel() - should be a subclass of Protocols.IRC.Channel.

"error_notify" : function(mixed ... :void)

This function is called when a KILL or ERROR command is recieved from the IRC server.

"system_notify" : function(string, void|string:void) 
"motd_notify" : function(string, void|string:void) 
"error_nickinuse" : function(string:void) 
"generic_notify" : function(string, string, string, string, string:void)

The arguments are from, type, to, message and extra.

"quit_notify" : function(string, string:void)

The arguments are who and why.

"privmsg_notify" : function(Person, string, string:void)

The arguments are originator, message and to.

"notice_notify" : function(Person, string, string:void)

The arguments are originator, message and to.

"nick_notify" : function(Person, string:void)

The arguments are originator and to.