Pike v8.1 release 6

Method Protocols.DNS_SD.Service()->create()

Method create

Protocols.DNS_SD.Service Protocols.DNS_SD.Service(string name, string service, string domain, int port, void|string|array(string) txt)


Registers a service on the local network.

Parameter name

User-presentable name of the service.

Parameter service

Type of service on the form _type._protocol. Type is an identifier related to the service type. A list of registered service types can be found at http://http://www.dns-sd.org/ServiceTypes.html/. Protocol is normally tcp but udp is also a valid choice. For example, a web server would get a service of _http._tcp.

Parameter domain

Domain name. Normally an empty string which the DNS-SD library will translate into local..

Parameter port

Port number for the service (e.g. 80 for a web site).

Parameter txt

An optional TXT record with service-specific information. It can be given as a plain string or an array of property assignment strings. The TXT record can be changed later by calling update_txt in the object returned when you register the service.


object svc = Protocols.DNS_SD.Service( "Company Intranet Forum", // name "_http._tcp", // service type "", // domain (default) 80, // port ({ "path=/forum/" }) // TXT record );