Pike v8.1 release 6

Class Parser.LR.Rule


This object is used to represent a BNF-rule in the LR parser.

Variable action

function(:void)|string Parser.LR.Rule.action


Action to do when reducing this rule. function - call this function. string - call this function by name in the object given to the parser. The function is called with arguments corresponding to the values of the elements of the rule. The return value of the function will be the value of this non-terminal. The default rule is to return the first argument.

Variable has_tokens

int Parser.LR.Rule.has_tokens


This rule contains tokens

Variable nonterminal

int Parser.LR.Rule.nonterminal


Non-terminal this rule reduces to.

Variable num_nonnullables

int Parser.LR.Rule.num_nonnullables


This rule has this many non-nullable symbols at the moment.

Variable number

int Parser.LR.Rule.number


Sequence number of this rule (used for conflict resolving) Also used to identify the rule.

Variable pri

Priority Parser.LR.Rule.pri


Priority and associativity of this rule.

Variable symbols

array(string|int) Parser.LR.Rule.symbols


The actual rule

Method create

Parser.LR.Rule Parser.LR.Rule(int nt, array(string|int) r, function(:void)|string|void a)


Create a BNF rule.


The rule

rule : nonterminal ":" symbols ";" { add_rule };

might be created as

rule(4, ({ 9, ":", 5, ";" }), "add_rule");

where 4 corresponds to the nonterminal "rule", 9 to "nonterminal" and 5 to "symbols", and the function "add_rule" is too be called when this rule is reduced.

Parameter nt

Non-terminal to reduce to.

Parameter r

Symbol sequence that reduces to nt.

Parameter a

Action to do when reducing according to this rule. function - Call this function. string - Call this function by name in the object given to the parser. The function is called with arguments corresponding to the values of the elements of the rule. The return value of the function will become the value of this non-terminal. The default rule is to return the first argument.