Pike v8.1 release 6

Method Image.XCF.decode_layers()

Method decode_layers

array(object) decode_layers(object stringdata)
array(object) decode_layers(object stringdata, object mappingoptions)


Decodes a XCF image to an array of Image.Layer objects

The layer object have the following extra variables (to be queried using get_misc_value):

image_xres, image_yres, image_colormap, image_guides, image_parasites, name, parasites, visible, active

Takes the same argument mapping as _decode,

Method decode_layers

array(Image.Layer) decode_layers(string gimp_image_data, mapping(string:mixed)|void opts)
array(Image.Layer) decode_layers(GimpImage gimp_image, mapping(string:mixed)|void opts)
array(Image.Layer) decode_layers(mapping(string:mixed) gimp_image_chunks, mapping(string:mixed)|void opts)


Decode the image data given as the first argument. If it is a string, it is a gimp image file.

If it is a mapping it is the value you get when calling ___decode()

The options can contain one or more of these options:

"draw_all_layers" : bool

If included, all layers will be decoded, even the non-visible ones.

"background" : Image.Color

If included, include a solid background layer with the given color

"shrink_fact" : int

Shrink the image by a factor of X. Useful for previews.

The layers have a number of extra properties set on them:

"image_xres" : int

Values, global to all layers, copied from the GimpImage. Still present in all layers

"image_yres" : int
"image_colormap" : Image.Colormap
"image_guides" : array(Guide)
"image_parasites" : array(Parasite)
"name" : string 
"visible" : bool 
"active" : bool 
"tatoo" : int 
"parasites" : array(Parasite)