Pike v8.1 release 6

Class GTK2.GdkPixbuf

Inheritance graph
GTK2.G.Object GTK2.GdkPixbuf

Properties: int bits-per-sample int colorspace (GdkColorspace) int has-alpha int height int n-channels object pixels int rowstride int width

Inherit Object

inherit G.Object : Object

Method create

GTK2.GdkPixbuf GTK2.GdkPixbuf(string|mapping options)


Create a GDK2.Pixbuf object.

Parameter options

options is either a filename or a mapping of options.

If it is a mapping, it may contain:

"filename" : string

Name of file to load.

"xpm" : string

If this key exists, then value is xpm data to create from.

"data" : string

If this key exists, then value is pixel data.

"bits" : int

Number of bits per sample.

"width" : int

Width of image.

"height" : int

Height of image.

"alpha" : int

True if alpha channel.

"scale" : int

True if use width and height as scale.

"preserve" : int

True if preserve aspect ratio.

The following is additional keys may exist if the member "data" exists:

"colorspace" : int

Colorspace, default GDK2.COLORSPACE_RGB, currently ignored.

"rowstride" : int

Distance in bytes between row starts.