Pike v8.1 release 6

Class GTK2.GdkImage

Inheritance graph
GTK2.G.Object GTK2.GdkImage

A gdk (low level) image. Mainly used for W(Image) objects.


Inherit Object

inherit G.Object : Object

Method create

GTK2.GdkImage GTK2.GdkImage(int|void fast_mode, Image.Image|void image)


Create a new GDK2.Image object. The first argument is either 0, which indicates that you want a 'slow' image. If you use '1', you indicate that you want a 'fast' image. Fast images are stored in shared memory, and thus are not sent over any network. But please limit your usage of fast images, they use up a possibly limited system resource set. See the man page for shmget(2) for more information on the limits on shared segments on your system.

A 'fast' image will automatically revert back to 'slow' mode if no shared memory is available.

If the second argument is specified, it is the actual image data.