Pike v8.1 release 6

Method GSSAPI.Context()->verify_mic()

Method verify_mic

int verify_mic(string message, string mic)


Verifies the origin and integrity of the given message using the given mic, which has been calculated by the sender using get_mic or some other GSS_GetMIC wrapper.

This wraps GSS_VerifyMIC according to RFC 2743 section 2.3.2.

This function requires that the context is established, or that the early per-message protection service is available (c.f. GSSAPI.PROT_READY_FLAG. If not, a GSSAPI.MissingServicesError is thrown (but the context is not closed).


Zero is returned if the verification fails with GSSAPI.DEFECTIVE_TOKEN or GSSAPI.BAD_MIC.

Otherwise the message origin and integrity checks out, but it might still be considered wrong depending on whether the replay detection or sequencing services are required (see required_services):

If replay detection (c.f. GSSAPI.REPLAY_FLAG) is required then zero is returned if the message is duplicated (GSSAPI.DUPLICATE_TOKEN) or old (GSSAPI.OLD_TOKEN).

If sequencing (c.f. GSSAPI.SEQUENCE_FLAG) is required then in addition to the replay detection conditions, zero is also returned if the message is out of sequence (GSSAPI.UNSEQ_TOKEN or GSSAPI.GAP_TOKEN).

Otherwise nonzero is returned to indicate that the message is valid according to the currently required services.


Any GSS-API errors except GSSAPI.DEFECTIVE_TOKEN and GSSAPI.BAD_MIC are thrown.


This function sets the value returned by last_qop.


Regardless whether the message is considered valid or not by the return value, last_major_status may be called to check for routine errors or the informatory codes mentioned above.