Pike v8.1 release 6

Method Cache.cache()->store()

Method store

void store(string key, mixed value, void|int max_life, void|float preciousness, void|multiset(string) dependants)


Sets some value in the cache. Notice that the actual set operation might even not happen at all if the set data doesn't make sense. For instance, storing an object or a program in an SQL-based backend will not be done, and no error will be given about the operation not being performed.

Notice that while max_life will most likely be respected (objects will be garbage-collected at pre-determined intervals anyways), the preciousness . is to be seen as advisory only for the garbage collector If some data was stored with the same key, it gets returned. Also notice that max_life is relative and in seconds. dependants are not fully implemented yet. They are implemented after a request by Martin Stjerrholm, and their purpose is to have some weak form of referential integrity. Simply speaking, they are a list of keys which (if present) will be deleted when the stored entry is deleted (either forcibly or not). They must be handled by the storage manager.