Pike v8.1 release 6

Class Filesystem.Traversion


Iterator object that traverses a directory tree and returns files as values and paths as indices. Example that uses the iterator to create a really simple sort of make:


object i=Filesystem.Traversion("."); foreach(i; string dir; string file) { if(!has_suffix(file, ".c")) continue; file = dir+file; string ofile = file; ofile[-1]='o'; object s=file_stat(ofile); if(s && i->stat()->mtime<s->mtime) continue; // compile file }

Method create

Filesystem.Traversion Filesystem.Traversion(string path, void|bool symlink, void|bool ignore_errors, void|function(array:array) sort_fun)

Parameter path

The root path from which to traverse.

Parameter symlink

Don't traverse symlink directories.

Parameter ignore_errors

Ignore directories that can not be accessed.

Parameter sort_fun

Sort function to be applied to directory entries before traversing. Can also be a filter function.