The new Pike site

Here are some screen dumps of some general pages. Click on the previews to view them in full size.

One big change to new site - other than that the layout is modern and responsive - is that all (at least almost all) pages now are proper Roxen CMS editor pages.

The module refdoc has also been revamped. There's an online preview available.

Start page
Start page: The charts are populated with data from Github. If we fix so that data from the Pike Librarian can be retreived in JSON/P we could populate the charts from there instead.
About page. Note that the code snippet is not intended to be there for real but is just at test of a code component I made. The text in the right column is regular Text and Picture components.
About modules
About modules, with "compat tables": The compat tables are generated with an RXML tag named <compat-table> wich takes a JSON structure as content wich the tables are generated from. The compat table tag is generic so it can be used when ever suitable.
Tutorial: The tutorial is now pulled from the tutorial on Github. The Markdown files are parsed as is on request and put into the new default template. So if someone contributes to the tutorial on Github it's then just a matter of pulling on the Pike site server and the tutorial will be updated.
Manual: The manual is also turned into "proper pages" with a navigation menu to the side. This is done runtime so an update of the manual will be automatically reflected on the site.

The Logo

I've made some very minor adjustements to the Pike logo which very few people would ever notice if I didn't mention it ;). If you object to the changes feel free to say so and I'll revert to the old logo.

In the original logo there was a border around the text. The problem with that was that the grey border and the blue text color were quite similiar in both tint, saturation and contrast which created some color bleeding where the border and text color met. And it also made the border somewhat blurry in smaller scale.

I also decreased the tracking of the individual characters - that is, I put them closer together.

In the picture above the new and the old logo is put on top of each other. The semi-transparent one is the new logo.

Below is the old logo above and the new below.

Old logo
Newld logo

# Pontus